Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Breaks

I love LOVE love my role as JP's mom.  There's nothing more important to me in the entire world.  His happiness is my happiness, and his struggles are my struggles...and unfortunately his 8 year old whineness is my biggest frustration some days. 

Oh my darling, wonderful, loves to try to negotiate with me (one of these days he'll learn that's a losing battle) little mini are my world and I love you with all my heart even when you are driving me crazy with the constant complaining about more DS time, or what's for dinner, or what time it is (yes, this is a frequent argument in our house along with what day of the week it if I have any control over it, and as if it's even up for is what it is, I don't make the rules here kid the universe does), or whether or not the smelly being living in the room next to me needs a shower (the answer is always YES!...he's 8 and he smells).  LOL.

So here's the deal...I love my role as a mom, but sometimes being a single parent is exhausting.  Not gonna lie, it is.  I'm not complaining (not at all!), I'm just stating a fact. 

Weeks that I have my little ADHD bundle of energy with me are full and fast (the time unfortunately flies by) and fun, but there is NO, and I repeat NO breaks and NO downtime.  NONE.  The thing is that when you're a single parent, you are "on" 24/7.  I'm up before he is in the morning, and I'm awake long after he's in bed at night, just trying to stay caught up on laundry, dishes, and cleaning.  There are no breaks in this life and there is no one to call for reinforcements or to help tag team the house work to get it all done in the allotted 24 hours in the day. 

Don't get me wrong, I love (LOVE) my life.  It is what it is and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, and as a matter of fact I would give my life to protect it...but weeks like this, when it's spring break and we are both bouncing off the walls (him without the structure of school that he desperately needs, and me trying to get it all done and still find time to sleep)...oh what I wouldn't give for just a little vacay for me and the boy.  To whisk him away to a lake or water park hotel somewhere, a place where we can have fun and let someone else worry about the laundry, the dishes and the cooking...for just a day or two.  Maybe someday...

Ahhhh, it's good to have if you'll excuse me, my laundry just buzzed...  :)

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